ProductsDMS first designed and manufactured the 50mm suspension system in1988. Testing and tuning has continued and now has produced DMS's mostsuccessful product - the two-way adjustable damping shock absorber. Thisadjustable shock absorber has been used in production car motor sports.This DMS high performance 50mm shock absorber has one of the largestpistons available in a shock absorber. This gives superior control, moreprecise tuning due to larger displacement and pressure areas and preciseadjustment on bump and rebound independently.The larger the piston area the lower the internal operating pressures andtemperatures. This provides higher damping capabilities which arenecessary in severe rally or race competition. Compared to conventionalshock absorbers the DMS Giant 50mm has over 200% improved accuracyand control.Product Description:DMS Aluminium shell case. Made of Aircraft grade high strengthAluminium. Threaded and Fitted with screw- adjustable anodisedaluminium spring seat and lock nut.Competition specification mounting brackets with adjustable cambersystem fitted to the bracket.50mm shock absorber system with high flow competition design pistonwith defined adjustable bump and rebound settings. DMS only use specialformulated racing shock absorber fluid.COPYRIGHT TO DRUMMOND MOTOR SPORTDESIGNED BY DMS
Proudly Owned, Designed and Manufactured in Australia